Data Backup Solutions: Storage Craft
Storagecraft service includes services such as business continuity, backup and recovery. The content of the service provided in this field is as follows;
Backup: Backup service helps to keep a copy of everything in the system. In this context, one of the most important purposes is disaster recovery. Disaster recovery operations can be completed successfully with a proper backup system.
Managing: You should be able to access your backups whenever you want. The management service makes sure you don’t fill up your storage space unnecessarily.
Testing: It ensures that you are ready for natural or human disasters that may happen to you.
Replication: Allows you to protect your data in case your local versions are eliminated.

Data Backup Solutions
Companies that contain various data must act very carefully and sensitively. Everest Technology offers its customers a comprehensive service to protect their data. Thanks to the data backup service, it provides quick access to lost data in case of possible data loss. It uses many technologies together for data backup operations. The technologies we generally use are as follows:
- NetApp
- Futijsu
- HP
- MetroCluster
- CA Arc Serve
- Symantec
- Data Protector